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How can I support my family without long hours?

The amount of money you earn is not driven by how long you work.

There are authors who can earn five figures a month. You wouldnā€™t expect that author to only work a tenth as long as me. There are authors who can earn seven figures a month.

You wouldnā€™t expect that author to work 10X as long as me.

That would be 44 hours a day. Besides the impossibility of that, we understand that this high-earner is selling books at a high volume. Thatā€™s how they earn money.

If you want to earn more, the answer lies in selling a higher number of books, not in working ever longer hours until we collapse from exhaustion.

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Does your book cover convert new readers?

You could ask your author friends, but that's anecdotal. You could poll your reader group, but their opinion is biased. Instead use data to figure out what really makes readers click.

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